Tommy & Felecia Washington are the founders of "The Encounter Worldwide" (EWW), business and ministry. They have captured their heart by launching out their businesses and ministries through "EWW" by helping married couples and families! They offer 24 hour resources and products that are made available through their hard labor of Love! They enjoy life and want families to "EWW" wholeness & resources to eternal life by receiving Christ and prosperity while living. They minister to the lost, and financially establish and educate hurting families and families that want to broaden their boundaries. They offer products, seminars, conferences, summits and service year round to meet the needs of their clients/audience." EWW" has been established under the umbrella of The Washington Corporation that is family owned. "EWW" offer scholarships, financial assistance to families and unlimited resources to all that inquire.
Tommy & Felecia are not at all finished with all they have to offer according to their visions! They have just begun!

Tommy Washington is a distinct husband, father, life coach and business man. He loves God, his wife & children with all his heart and is destined for greatness. His goal is to leave an inheritance to his children's children. His vision is to have multiple businesses that will give back to the community and advance his marriage counseling endeavors as he continue to be a highly sought after life coach both now and for many days to come. Again, he is the founder of the "The Encounter Worldwide" (EWW), and CEO of the Washington Corporation, (WC) that has many business arenas underlining. He is a precious gift to humanity and a mighty man of valor. Tommy Washington has been a servant of ministry since March, 2000, when he accepted the call of God and made Jesus his Lord. He served as a faithful and devoted Deacon and later was divinely promoted in ministry to the Eldership Board at his previous local church where he overseen "The Marriage Clinic Ministry ". Out of his marriage struggles, and determination to break
the absent father syndrome of his paternal family's generational curses, his marriage and family ministry was birthed. After the transition and passion to launch into full time ministry, "EWW " was established in October, 2012. Thereafter, another dimension of God's hand has blessed Tommy and his family tremendously to be a blessing to numerous of marriages and families.

Felecia Washington is the wife of Tommy Washington. She is a strong virtuous woman who's main goal is to assist her husband and make all his visions come to past. Her heart goes to her husband & children for them to be prosperous and happy. She puts her own agenda aside and has become a pillar for her family's business and ministry as they help others in life. She is a public administrator who's foundation is serving others in need. She adores her husband and lives to assist her children come to gracious maturity. She is the Co-Founder of the "The Encounter Worldwide" and Executive of The Washington Corporation. She is indeed far beyond rubies!

Torrence Washington is the eldest son of Tommy and Felecia Washington. He loves music and is a mentor to many. He is pursuing his passion academically as a producer of music and is soaring in the music arena. Torrence hobbies are producing and authoring music in the studio, shopping, and spending time with family & friends. He loves the Lord and is humble in all his endeavors. Torrence is the Vice-President & Music Director of "The Encounter Worldwide" and an executive of the Washington Corporation.

Tomecia Washington-Robinson is the eldest daughter of Tommy and Felecia Washington. She and her husband, Archie, are the founders of "Harvest Fest", an extended ministry that reaches out to children & youth across the globe. She is a devoted wife, mother, college student, and Encounter Executive. Through her promising academic goals, she will continue to dominate leadership development in the community, and will advance and become one of the prominent voices to broaden "The Encounter Worldwide"(EWW) in the global businesses world. She and her husband have become life coaches and mentors to many couples, and youth. They sphere-head major outreach programs for children & youth through "EWW". Her hobbies are indulging in fashion, shopping, family festivities and she loves children. She is an Executive Officer & Youth Coordinator (along with her husband) of "EWW".

Tyecia Washington is the youngest child of Tommy and Felecia Washington. She is a sought after minister artist of dance. Tyecia enjoys cosmetic hair design as a hobby. She longs to own her ministry of Arts business as she advance academically. Tyecia was honored and offered by Washington to be a Student Ambassador to travel & study in England, France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands to impact her peers and the world! She also was nominated to attend the National Youth Leadership Forum on National Security in Washington D.C. Tyecia is the "The Encounter Worldwide" Assistant Youth Coordinator & Finance Officer.